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Kinneret - in the footsteps of Jesus

Christ began his journey in Nazareth, preached for Kingdom of God and generated miracles such as walking on the water, healing the sick, transforming water into wine and feeding 4000 people with only seven loaves of bread and several fish.


We will head north towards Nazareth, the city where Christ grew up, and visit the Basilica of the Annunciation and the St. Joseph Church.

We will continue to Tiberius (Teveria) – the magnificent vacation city – and continue along the shore of the Sea of the Galilee to Kfar Nachum where we will visit the ruins of the ancient synagogue where Christ studied. We will continue to Tabgha, the Church of the Multiplication, where Christ made the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. We will then continue to the Yardenit, the Baptismal Site on the Jordan River.

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